Mission Statement
The Increase Miller Elementary School PTO is a non-profit 501(c)(3) with the purpose of supporting and benefiting the students and faculty at Increase Miller Elementary, by encouraging creative and innovative programs, fostering partnerships, and securing distribution resources in order to ensure a high quality, well-rounded education, and to promote open communication between the administration, teachers and parents. Through fundraising and family activities, we will promote positive school/community relationships that enhance our children’s education and well-being.

who we are
The PTO is a not-for-profit organization consisting of energetic parent volunteers. Headed by a board, we donate our time, talents, and money to help all of our children have an amazing elementary school experience.
what we do
To foster family involvement at school, we plan fun family events and activities, including our Welcome Back Picnic, Halloween Spooktacular, Family Fun Night, book fair, S.T.R.E.A.M. Convention, and a before and after-school enrichment program, known as Eddie's Extras.
The money raised at our events and programs provides crucial funds. The PTO typically covers the cost of all field trips and assemblies. We also provide funds to help create effective and engaging learning and play spaces. In the past, the PTO has purchased large play structures for the playground, equipment, and supplies for the music and art program, games and toys for recess, furniture for classrooms and other learning spaces, and books for the library.